Case Study: Gwent Cleaning

• Client Name: Gwent Cleaning
• Industry: Cleaning Services
• Website:

Gwent Cleaning is a professional cleaning company offering a wide range of services, including residential, commercial, and specialised cleaning solutions. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, they cater to clients across various sectors, ensuring pristine and hygienic environments.

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Enhance Gwent Cleaning's online presence and visibility.
Increase direct bookings through the website.
Showcase the company's portfolio and customer testimonials effectively.
Enable seamless integration with third-party booking systems.

The Uddr Solution:

Uddr's design approach for Gwent Cleaning's website is characterised by boldness, brightness, and visual appeal. The website's vibrant colour scheme and strategic use of curvature create a modern and inviting aesthetic that captivates visitors from the moment they land on the page. Moreover, Uddr ensures consistent branding throughout the website, maintaining a cohesive and professional look across all pages.

Information is organised into neat sections, making it easily digestible for users. This harmonious blend of bold design elements and cohesive branding contributes to a memorable and engaging user experience, reinforcing Gwent Cleaning's reputation as a reputable and innovative cleaning service provider.

Responsive Design:

Uddr crafted a responsive website for Gwent Cleaning, ensuring optimal performance across all devices and screen sizes.

User-Friendly Navigation:

The website features intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to access critical sections such as services, galleries, testimonials, and contact information.

Gallery Showcase:

The website's gallery is a prominent feature, showcasing examples of Gwent Cleaning's work across various cleaning projects. High-quality images provide prospective clients with a visual representation of the company's capabilities and the quality of its work.

Google Reviews Integration:

Uddr integrated Google reviews directly into the website, displaying authentic feedback from satisfied clients. Positive reviews serve as testimonials to the company's professionalism and reliability, instilling trust and confidence in potential customers.

Booking System Integration:

The website now features an easy-to-use booking system that visitors can use to schedule cleaning services directly from the website. This feature simplifies the booking process and increases conversions and customer satisfaction.

Price List Display:

Gwent Cleaning's price list is prominently displayed at the bottom of the landing page, providing potential clients with transparency and clarity regarding service costs.


Shane at Gwent Cleaning has feedback that the website brought in 10+ leads from prospective clients within the first week of the website going live.

Increased Visibility:

Through Uddr's optimisation strategies, Gwent Cleaning has experienced a significant boost in online visibility, attracting more traffic to the website and expanding its reach to potential customers.

Boost in Bookings:

Implementing user-friendly features, such as the integrated booking system and transparent pricing model, has led to a notable increase in direct bookings through the website. Client response signifies an evident appreciation for the online booking platform's convenience and transparency.

Enhanced Credibility:

Including a gallery showcasing the company's work and authentic customer reviews enhances Gwent Cleaning's credibility and reputation in the industry, fostering trust with prospective clients.

Future Prospects:

With plans to introduce direct booking functionality on Uddr's platform, Gwent Cleaning is poised to streamline its booking process further and elevate customer satisfaction.
Uddr's collaboration with Gwent Cleaning has elevated the company's online presence and significantly improved its customer engagement and booking efficiency. By seamlessly blending bold, bright design elements with consistent branding and user-friendly features, the website is a powerful tool for Gwent Cleaning to showcase its services, attract new clients, and reinforce its position as a trusted leader in the cleaning industry. To explore the completed website, visit

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